
教你如何简单将OSS bucket挂载成为阿里云ECS服务器本地盘

首先你的服务必须是CentOS 6.5 或者Ubuntu 14.04 系统,否则不能安装和挂载!!


CentOS 6.5
yum install libcurl libcurl-devel openssl-devel fuse fuse-libs fuse-devel libxml2-devel git gcc g make

Ubuntu 14.04
apt-get update
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev pkg-config libxml2 libxml2-dev libfuse-dev git gcc g make
以下我用CentOS 6.5 做示范!
输入:yum install libcurl libcurl-devel openssl-devel fuse fuse-libs fuse-devel libxml2-devel git gcc g make


输入:git clone https://git.oschina.net/weiweibaba2007/cloudfs.git 

输入:cd cloudfs/cloudfs_src/ 

输入:make pack


接下来挂载OSS  bucke
CentOS 6.5 或 Ubuntu 14.04 安装 挂载

cloudfs 在 CentOS 6.5 和 Ubuntu 14.04发行版上已经有一键式的动安装脚本,安装相对简单。
cd pack/
./CloudFS_Install.sh INSTALL_DIR=安装目录 MOUNT_POINT=挂载目录 按照命令行提示,即可完成安装。 (会有两个提示确定输入y回车就可以了)

./CloudFS_Install.sh INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/cloudfs_download MOUNT_POINT=/home/ftp/x/xj030/wwwroot
命令说明: MOUNT_POINT=/home/ftp/x/xj030/wwwroot(/home/ftp/x/xj030/wwwroot这个是你网站的目录,比如附件目录什么的)


进入:cd /usr/local/cloudfs_download/conf

  1. #This is the configuration for the OSS related
  2. [OSS Configuration]
  3. # OSS data center url configuration, uncomment the one your bucket resides on.
  4. # If you run cloudfs on aliyun ECS, then use the internal URL. Otherwise, use the public URL.
  5. # ECS
  6. #HOST=oss-cn-qingdao-internal.aliyuncs.com
  7. #HOST=oss-cn-beijing-internal.aliyuncs.com
  8. #HOST=oss-cn-shenzhen-internal.aliyuncs.com
  9. #HOST=oss-cn-hangzhou-internal.aliyuncs.com
  10. #HOST=oss-cn-hongkong-internal.aliyuncs.com
  11. # NOT ECS, but user\’s server
  12. #HOST=oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com
  13. #HOST=oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
  14. #HOST=oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com
  15. #HOST=oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
  16. #HOST=oss-cn-hongkong.aliyuncs.com
  17. # OSS Access Id and Access Key configuration, uncommet it and change the value
  18. # to your own id/key.
  19. #ID=your_access_id
  20. #KEY=your_access_key
  21. # OSS bucket configuraion, uncommet it and change the value to you own bucket name
  22. #BUCKET=your_bucket_name
  23. #this is the configuration for the FS related
  24. [FS Configuration]
  25. # The minimal sync interval from oss to cloudfs
  26. # This configuration is only needed when your system will directly
  27. # add/delete oss object from oss web control console or other system.
  28. # 0 means never sync object from oss to cloudfs after booting.
  29. # For most cases, the default value 0 is OK. If you are not sure, just make the default value 0 here.
  31. # The file data cache block size when upload/download object from oss to cloudfs.
  32. # For most cases, the default value is OK.
  33. BLOCK_SIZE=1048576
  34. # The file data cache limit size when upload/download object from oss to cloudfs.
  35. # For most cases, the default value is OK.
  36. MAX_CACHE_LIMITS=10485760
  37. # LOG output level
  38. # The debug.log file is under the cloudfs running directory.
  39. # When LOG_LEVEL is 1, only error log will output to debug.log file;
  40. # When LOG_LEVEL is 0, both debug and error log will output to debug.log file;
  41. LOG_LEVEL=1
  42. # Postfix for soft link
  43. # OSS does not support unix style softlink file, so cloudfs uses a special postfix for softlink to identify
  44. # it is a soft link file.
  45. # Default value is “s1l2k3”, you could change it as you wish.
  46. # But do keep in mind that this postfix should not conflict with any postfix in real world
  47. SYMLINK_POSTFIX=s1l2k3
  48. # The parameter is used to control whether the system need to synchronize data from Aliyun OSS
  49. # when you access a file or dircetory.
  50. # When IMMEDIATE_SYNC=0, indicate no need to synchronize data;
  51. # When IMMEDIATE_SYNC=1, indicate need to synchronize data;
  52. # Default value is 0;
  54. # mode
  55. ACCESS_MODE=0666
  56. # set the max number of upload threads,
  57. # default value is 1


  1. # ECS
  2. #HOST=oss-cn-qingdao-internal.aliyuncs.com
  3. #HOST=oss-cn-beijing-internal.aliyuncs.com
  4. #HOST=oss-cn-shenzhen-internal.aliyuncs.com
  5. HOST=oss-cn-hangzhou-internal.aliyuncs.com
  6. #HOST=oss-cn-hongkong-internal.aliyuncs.com
  7. # NOT ECS, but user\’s server
  8. #HOST=oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com
  9. #HOST=oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
  10. #HOST=oss-cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com
  11. HOST=oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
  12. #HOST=oss-cn-hongkong.aliyuncs.com
  13. # OSS Access Id and Access Key configuration, uncommet it and change the value

填写Access Key并去掉#

  1. # to your own id/key.
  2. ID=your_access_id(你的Access Key ID)
  3. KEY=your_access_key(你的Access Key Secret)
  4. [backcolor=#ffffff][color=#008ef1]# OSS bucket configuraion, uncommet it and change the value to you own bucket name[/color][/backcolor]
  5. BUCKET=your_bucket_name(你的OSS_bucket名称 )


service cloudfs start


service cloudfs stop


service cloudfs status





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